- Conflict Management Program

- Dealing With Bullies Program

- Myers Briggs Program

- Mediation Skills Program

- Emotional Intelligence Program

- Dealing With Difficult People Program

Every program can be customised to suit your time-frame and budget.

Conflict Management Program


Conflict is the behaviour of one person which inhibits, stops, blocks or interferes with the behaviour of another. We are all unique individuals with different needs and goals. In our interaction with different people, some needs and goals correspond, but in other cases they may differ. These differences initiate conflict. Resolution of conflict occurs when the parties involved understand each other’s position accurately. Resolution occurs when the parties try to reach mutually satisfying solutions.
Goals for the Program
  • Have the confidence and the skill to prevent conflicts from occurring as well as being able to defuse potential conflict situations.
  • Turn conflict into an opportunity to learn more about the other person’s needs, goals, values and opinions.
  • Develop a greater understanding of people, interactions between people and how easily conflicts can be generated and also defused.
Key Outcomes
This program will help participants to:
  1. Understand the psychology of conflict.
  2. Communicate effectively with others during the conflict process.
  3. Respond respectfully to cultural differences during conflicts.
  4. Generate suitable outcomes with all parties.
  5. Transform conflicts into positive outcomes.
  6. Apply different approaches in conflict situations.
  7. Develop strategies to manage future conflict.
  8. Effectively manage all stakeholder relationships so as to avoid unnecessary conflict.
  9. View the concept of conflict from a different perspective.
  10. Take positive action to resolve the conflict rather than avoid it.
We can provide 1 on 1 coaching and key note speakers on this topic.
All our training and development programs are linked to the performance management systems of your organisation. We work in partnership with you to design and deliver programs that suit the culture and the future direction of your organisation.
The duration of the program is decided by the client, however the majority of our programs can be conducted in one day.

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