- Negotiating for Success Program

- Interpersonal Skills for Leaders Program

- Influencing Program

- Customer Service Program

- Assertiveness, Influence & Negotiation Program

Every program can be customised to suit your time-frame and budget.

Negotiating for Success Program

Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties try to resolve differences, solve problems and reach agreement. Effective negotiation meets as many interests as possible to reach agreement that is durable. In effective negotiation, both parties try to improve the current relationship rather than take up positions. Negotiation involves both parties being willing to discuss the issues in depth and being prepared to give something so that both win.

This course will introduce participants to the principles and practices of effective negotiation skills with a view to achieving positive outcomes for both parties.

Goals for the Program
  • Develop the ability to adapt and change negotiation styles.
  • Develop a comprehensive negotiation planning process.
  • Practice negotiation techniques to develop and refine skills.
Key Outcomes
This program will give participants the skills to:
  1. Manage the negotiation process.
  2. Preparing and planning the negotiation.
  3. Choose appropriate behaviours.
  4. Remove resistance by establishing common ground.
  5. Stand their ground in a negotiation.
  6. Barter for a win-win outcome.
  7. Use tactics effectively and with integrity.
  8. Select and use the negotiation tactic appropriate to the situation.
  9. Evaluate and improve the negotiation process.
  10. Maintain the relationship.
We can provide 1 on 1 coaching and key note speakers on this topic.
All our training and development programs are linked to the performance management systems of your organisation. We work in partnership with you to design and deliver programs that suit the culture and the future direction of your organisation.
The duration of the program is decided by the client, however the majority of our programs can be conducted in one day.

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