Suzanne Loubris (psychologist) - Behaviour that Works

Suzanne Loubris

Suzanne Loubris is a psychologist, passionate about making a difference in people’s lives. A popular and charismatic psychologist, Suzanne draws on practical experiences to engage participants in a positive learning experience. Suzanne’s approach is practical and focused on providing people with skills that they can use daily with great ease. She believes that the best way to make people more productive is to teach them to understand themselves, be more conscious of their behaviour, value themselves and then redefine themselves with broader boundaries.


She holds two honours degrees in Psychology and a Masters degree in Human Resource Management.
She is NLP trained, holds a Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training, and is a member of the Australian Psychological Society.
MBTI, Genos EI assessment, DISC, HBDI

Businesses We Work With




Businesses We Have Partnered With

State Library of Victoria | Department of Sustainability and Environment |  Acciona| Local Government
Department of Transport | Ford | Honda | Hastings Deering | Peregrine Travel |Film Victoria
Australian Institute of Management | Truenergy |Australian Paper | Synchrotron | State Trustees
Austin Hospital | RMIT | Costa Exchange | Australian Arrow | SPC Ardmona | Costa | Northern Health
Queensland Health | Energy Australia | Momentum | Brightstar | ANZ | CFA | National Australia Bank

Suncorp | University of Melbourne | Mercedes Benz | Great Western Foods | Department of Human Services
Victoria Metropolitan Libraries | Ernst & Young | Many Councils | CSL | YMCA | Auditor General | Synchrotron
VCGLR | Swatch | Western Region Health Centre | Department of Primary Industries

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