- Influencing Program

- Customer Service Program

- Assertiveness, Influence & Negotiation Program

- Negotiating for Success Program

- Interpersonal Skills for Leaders Program

Every program can be customised to suit your time-frame and budget.

Influencing Program

Influencing is about becoming an influential person. It requires that we accept that the way we currently engage with people may not be the most effective way. In order to increase our efficacy with people we need to learn to broaden our range of behaviours to include those which generate results consistently. An influential person can put aside their own interests, needs, perceptions and values so that they can experience the world from the ‘world view’ of the person they wish to influence. Influencing others requires flexibility, behavioural adjustment and insight. Once we have the ability to influence others, we have multiplied our ability to achieve results.
We do not lose who we are, but expand who we can become.
Goals for the Program
  • Boost personal and organisational productivity through improved influence capability.
  • Develop the ability to read others’ body language and adjust behavioural style accordingly.
  • Develop the capacity to be creative until stakeholders have been moved from saying “No” to saying “Yes” to ideas and proposals.
Key Outcomes
This program will give participants the skills to:
  1. Learn about how the people they want to influence, think and operate.
  2. Identify and adjust to people’s personality and learning styles.
  3. Adjust their style and behaviour to build rapport quickly.
  4. Listen effectively for needs, values and interests.
  5. Read and respond to non-verbal cues.
  6. Move from selling features to building ongoing relationships.
  7. Remove limiting beliefs that prevent influential behaviours from being adopted.
  8. Engage with stakeholders in their own world view.
  9. Adjust communication strategy to align with the stakeholders’ ‘language’.
  10. Remove psychological barriers through use of storytelling, metaphors and analogies.
We can provide 1 on 1 coaching and key note speakers on this topic.
All our training and development programs are linked to the performance management systems of your organisation. We work in partnership with you to design and deliver programs that suit the culture and the future direction of your organisation.
The duration of the program is decided by the client, however the majority of our programs can be conducted in one day.

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