- Customer Service Program

- Assertiveness, Influence & Negotiation Program

- Negotiating for Success Program

- Interpersonal Skills for Leaders Program

- Influencing Program

Every program can be customised to suit your time-frame and budget.

Customer Service Program

Providing effective client relations, whether it be internal or external, is vital for continued and sustainable business success. Managing relationships with clients requires team members that are alert to changing needs, aware of difficulties as they arise and able to see issues that need resolving. This program is designed to provide front line staff with the insight to shift perspectives and see people in a different light. This will assist them to change their reactions to clients appropriately, develop compassion and manage interactions with people dynamically and powerfully. They will learn to understand how their every action has the potential to reduce the conflict and the stress experienced by both their colleagues and their clients.
Goals for the Program
  • Develop appropriate interpersonal behaviours that will facilitate client relations.
  • Develop effective communication skills that can be applied when dealing with people who do not respond to normal communication processes.
  • Generate a willingness to be self-aware, develop empathy, and change paradigms of thinking to reduce the possibility of ineffective interactions.
Key Outcomes
This program will give participants the skills to:
  1. Recognise that their attitude and performance is part of the clients’ experience.
  2. Create an environment that is viewed positively by the public.
  3. Set boundaries and be clear when communicating.
  4. Build rapport through listening, thus generating relationships instantly.
  5. Develop self-awareness and the willingness to change behaviour.
  6. Understand that people have different values and therefore different behaviours.
  7. Manage the reactions of self and others.
  8. Demonstrate empathy and compassion in dealing with clients.
  9. Set boundaries respectfully, clearly and effectively.
  10. Manage the pressure and stress of ongoing customer interactions.
We can provide 1 on 1 coaching and key note speakers on this topic.
All our training and development programs are linked to the performance management systems of your organisation. We work in partnership with you to design and deliver programs that suit the culture and the future direction of your organisation.
The duration of the program is decided by the client, however the majority of our programs can be conducted in one day.

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