- Dealing With Difficult People Program

- Conflict Management Program

- Dealing With Bullies Program

- Myers Briggs Program

- Mediation Skills Program

- Emotional Intelligence Program

Every program can be customised to suit your time-frame and budget.

Dealing with Difficult People Program


The key to dealing with difficult people and difficult situations is being able to understand why they are difficult and what constitutes difficult for “us”. Each of us will find ourselves in situations where we are required to work with people who we are unable to make a connection with for some reason. On the other hand we are sometimes confronted with difficult customers and clients who behave inappropriately. The collective negative reactions of all parties can be as a result of value systems, projection, transference, personality types, societal differences in behaviour, cultural norms and even dysfunctional behaviour caused by childhood experiences and by disorders in mental functioning. The focus of this program is to teach people to continue to engage respectfully with people they find challenging. This requires them to let go of labels and judgements they might have.


Goals for the Program
  • Generate a willingness to be self-aware, to develop empathy, and to change paradigms of thinking, thus reducing the impact of ineffective relationships.
  • Gain a greater capacity to diffuse highly charged situations with people that might previously have been perceived as difficult.
  • Be resilient in the face of adversity and confrontational behaviours.
Key Outcomes
This program will help participants to:
  1. Develop the skill and confidence to handle and defuse angry and difficult people.
  2. Develop easy, quick to implement, principles and tools to help them defuse difficult situations.
  3. Build personal levels of resilience, hardiness and confidence.
  4. Be able to respond resourcefully under pressure and bounce back quickly from challenges.
  5. Develop the ability to minimise negative responses by managing expectations of others.
  6. Gain personal awareness of their behaviour and how it impacts on customer interactions.
  7. Understand how to manage anger, resentment, frustration and high expectations; both their own and those of customers.
  8. Demonstrate through behaviour an attitude that is free of judgment, expectation, personal values and beliefs to others, which will reduce the risk of escalation.
  9. Reduce the number of people and situations that participants experience as difficult.
  10. Develop effective communication skills that can be applied when dealingng with people who do not respond to normal communication processes.
We can provide 1 on 1 coaching and key note speakers on this topic.
All our training and development programs are linked to the performance management systems of your organisation. We work in partnership with you to design and deliver programs that suit the culture and the future direction of your organisation.
The duration of the program is decided by the client, however the majority of our programs can be conducted in one day.

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